Thursday, May 26, 2005

Referendum of Expulsion

Member In Question: Bryan Chua Li Hsiang (a.k.a Chua Li Tard, Buttocks Creamer, Botched Castration, Bungled Circumcision, among others)
Rank: Regular Member, self-proclaimed `Co-Founder' (UNTRUE)
Year of Entrance: 2003

Reasons For Expulsion: Conduct Unbefitting A Member of The Pervert Alliance.

- Expresses Disgust At Pervertism
- Denies His Pervertism, Even As He Watches His Growing Collection of Porno

His hypocritical behaviour is grounds enough for an expulsion. He has, however, compounded the severity of his offence by prioritizing women over his brothers in Pervertism. This violates the very foundation of the brotherhood formed when one joins the Pervert Alliance.

Furthermore, the principles of Pervertism require only one important trait: Common Sense. Through his actions, Chua has clearly displayed the lack of this attribute. Examples include: Pursuing, and thereby failing, a woman who has clearly no interest in him (TWICE!), unable to properly prioritize friendship and brotherhood, and many other instances of the inability to apply pure common sense even in daily life. He is thereby fundamentally unqualified to remain a member of the Pervert Alliance.

Vote on his fate. The Pervert Alliance depends on your judgement to preserve the principles of Pervertism.