Thursday, June 01, 2006

All that matters

In time, we will learn that fate is rarely in our hands, but fighting for the best out of it is more important than accepting it.

In time, we will learn that time is more important than money.

In time, we will learn that people are not what they seem, but seeing the best in people is more important than seeing the worst in them.

In time, we will learn that what comes from the heart goes into the heart, and that sincerity is more important than pride.

In time, we will learn that if times are hard, it is more important to clench our fists and grind our teeth for the fight than smile and accept things the way they are.

In time, we will learn that controlling ourselves and holding our values is more important than any freedom we can ever have.

In time, we will learn that forgiving is more important than taking revenge.

In time, we will learn that loving is more important than being loved.

In time, we will learn that no man is an island, and that knowing who your friends are is more important than knowing who your enemies are.

In time, I will learn that I am still growing as a person, and that the day I stop learning, loving, struggling and changing......will be the day I take my last breath.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa wtf so sentimental aah? anyway, IN TIME, I WILL BE GETTING THE FINAL RESULTS... son of a gun...

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In time, you will still be a pervert.

2:17 AM  

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